
If I was in this situation, before doing an uninstall of version 2009, what I'd do is ...
  • Delete "c:\bb" created by version 2011. It's not working properly anyway so there's nothing to lose.
  • Rename "c:\program files\bb" to "c:\bb" (or preferably copy of "c:\program files\bb" if you have the hard drive space) so that all your 2009 and earlier files are still on the computer. Personally, I would aim to keep a copy of "c:\program files\bb" so that I could go back to it if need be.
  • Install version 2011 to "c:\bb" directly over the top of the 2009 version that now resides in "c:\bb"
  • See what happens when BIAB is installed.

What I also suggest is that you don't race into doing the above. Give it a day or so because I am sure that some BIAB channel experts with much more knowledge than I have will also give an opinion. My feeling is that the gm.dsl file is not the problem.

Good luck,