
I reinstalled BIAB in a test folder with the latest update (2009.5 build 288) as Andrew suggested. I'm getting the same results. However I might have found a work around. Again when I choose any song with a soloist in a paticular styles folder all instruments other than soloist play back as displayed at the top of the screen. When I look at the memo for a song usually it displays a SAVED soloist patch and an EMBEDDED solist patch for that song. When I go to the S solist button on the tool bar and open the instrument displayed is usually what I hear, although it does not display properly at the top of the screen until I push the OK button while in the soloist drop down screen. This only occurs when I use an external midi divice like the Ketron SD2 or my Yamaha S-90.
Dxi synth plays as displayed in the DXI drop down menu. When I change to a different song within the same styles folder the soloist instrument that is displayed sticks to the previous song setting. All other instruments change and play properly. I guess I could do this for each song although I'm a little surprised that the soloist patch doesn't seem to change unless I do the above or change the patch using the + button. I assumed the soloist would change like all the other instruments and be displayed properly when I go from song to song. Is there a setting I'm missing??

I'm having exactly the same problem with a JV-1080 hardware sound module (see earlier JV-1080 thread). Patches for melody, soloist don't change to the file settings. Some are my own creations and were "saved with patches", some are Biab "factory" files.

Andrew responded to the earlier thread that my "example factory file" had no "saved" melody patch. The song memo reads "saved patch" but it isn't. Answer: Rename file, save file and then THAT chosen patch is saved. (see Andrew's complete explanation in JV-1080 thread)

My own saved songs were saved with patches on earlier builds (pre-Biab 2011). I don't get why they don't open in BB 2011 with the saved patches. I've just been "re-saving" them again. Works sometimes, sometimes not.

If there is a setting we're missing, either in BB or the outboard sound module, +1 here to learn about it.