I’ve had BIAB 2011.5 (EverythinPAK) for 2 weeks now and I must say that I’m stoked. I’m completely new to BIAB so the learning curve is steep for me but the time invested so far has been well worth it. While I still have a lot to learn I have managed to put together a tune or two and drag them into my daw. I am reading the manual a little at a time at work during my breaks and making notes here and there. I will then take my notes home and try to apply them while building a tune. I’ve discovered in the past that I won’t understand or remember everything I read but often somewhere along the way a light will come on and I will say “oh now I understand”. Also the lingo is sometimes confusing (realstyles, realband, realtracks,) but eventually I will sort it out. By far the Windows forums have helped more than anything (the thread about song structure especially) with so many willing participates with so much knowledge about the program and music in general. I am very grateful to all of you who choose to help others. I am a very average guitar player and I can’t read music but I am having a blast with BIAB. The sounds that come out of this program are just amazing. Who could have known that I would be in a recording session with some of the best session musicians in the country – lol.

Thanks and I am having fun!