I have just installed Build 326 and I am a little disappointed with the style filter.

It does not display any third party styles if you filter the "All Styles" category and only a few of the third party styles if you select "Other Syles Found" while filtering.

I have hundreds of Norton, Hawkesford and LR styles and the only way to get the filter to work for these styles is to select each third party category separately.

I realize this is something to do with the .LST and .LS3 files etc and I could spend time editing these text files but would it possible for the filter to search all these relevent files at the same time?

While I am on the subject of the style list here is a question I have asked several times before. Why does the "other styles" category, list every "other" file twice? This has happened over several BIAB versions. The "a_found.ls3" text file has them listed twice so I tried deleting this file but BIAB keeps regenerating it with everything duplicated every time.
