When I studied Jazz guitar and later Jazz pedagogics almost all of my female colleagues were singers. How come? I have to say I`m a little pissed off with them. Most of them get on stage at a jazzsession with some stupid self-created arrangements, with dozens of sus4 chords that never resolve, they smoke me in the face on stage thinking they`re cool and none of them can scat over a regular II-V-I in a way that makes sense. Gosh, there are just 3 female vocalists here in Vienna that I consider musicians.

On Friday the Austrian version of "America`s/Britain`s got talent" startet. There were some funny guys with very creative ideas and guess what, ALL of the female performers were singers.
My suspicion is that they only want to be in the spotlight. Most of them don`t really want to work hard learning an instrument and not getting the benefits for it. That`s all so "girlie-chick"-like...

Gals, don`t hate me now, but I needed to say it...

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