Maybe this will help. Even though I can sing, I wouldn’t DARE call myself a “vocalist” or a “singer”.

Since my vocal prowess is mediocre, that would be deceptive. People who actually are “Vocalists” and “Singers” would laugh their a**es off if I identified myself as either. They’d be right to do so.

By the same token, … if you say you’re a “musician”, …what’s the first question people ask? ………………”What do you PLAY?” Let’s see, …… they ASSUME that you can play an instrument! WOW!!!! That’s novel. (sic)

Or you can be truthful and say what you actually can do! “I’m a singer”. Or “I use computer programs to CREATE some really great music.”

Or “I’m a MUSICIAN”...................................

Really?................................. What do you PLAY? LOL.