

As far as me chilling out, i am in no way heated up. My last post was said with a laugh!

Good. So were mine.

As far as the definitions, you’ll notice that I said “I do not win!” prior to posting my link to Merriam-Webster. Singers ARE NOT excluded in any of these definitions. You are correct on that point. But if you look at synonyms under that definition, you’ll see “instrumentalist, player”.

My “common sense” reference should probably have been “common practice”, or something to that effect. Even that would be subject to the circle of musicians you’re talking about.

I believe that you may be thinking I’m trying to denigrate “singers” by saying they aren’t musicians. Not true. But if you asked most singers if they’re musicians, I think you’d be surprised at how many would say “no. I don’t play. I’m a singer”.

In case you missed it, I’ll quote myself:


Maybe this will help. Even though I can sing, I wouldn’t DARE call myself a “vocalist” or a “singer”.

Since my vocal prowess is mediocre, that would be deceptive. People who actually are “Vocalists” and “Singers” would laugh their a**es off if I identified myself as either. They’d be right to do so.

By the same token, … if you say you’re a “musician”, …what’s the first question people ask? ………………”What do you PLAY?” Let’s see, …… they ASSUME that you can play an instrument! WOW!!!! That’s novel. (sic)

I personally would feel as if I’d been lied to if someone said they were a musician, and then proceeded to tell me they couldn’t play an instrument. (Padding your resume???)

By the dictionary definitions, you are technically correct to include singers, but my definition is more honest about the roles that musicians, (aka instrumentalists), and singers play in the creation of music. Both are essential to all types of music, with the exception of instrumental music.

I wish I could honestly call myself a “singer”, but I’ll have to settle for being a musician that can sing a little.

I hope we can agree to disagree and put it to rest. After all, I didn’t bring it up. I just “seconded the motion”.