Wow, I didn't expect my old song to resurface. Thanks for the kind words Frank.

I appreciate your listening. You are probably right about the drums, I didn't notice it mixing on headphones. I tend to drown my drums anyway because I feel on certain songs they get in the way. they're just there to keep time. A good drummer should be seen and not heard Only joking, in some genres they are the backbone of the song. I haven't got to grips with the software I have to generate decent drums as yet. I am at the point where I am grateful that they keep time for me.

Bob Pidgeon,
You can use BiaB to generate melodies, but I have never done that so I can't comment on it. I use Realband after I have a tune to work with. Try the Off-Topic forum to see how the others get their tunes. I'm sure you'll get loads of input.
