Yeah, i understand your feelings, stuff like this can really get under one's skin. I would just like to offer, that in my 10 years of posting on forum boards, i have seen that on many occasions, what was written was a bit different from what was meant.

What i mean is in typed media, you lose inflection, and tone, and it is far less likely to be able to pick up on intent. Some one might write "No problem", and on the surface that sounds benign, but in reality they might have had a very deeply sarcastic overtone, but it is lost in print.

Josie might have said:“...this song starts off exactly like our song "Borderline" and then uses our intro over and over...” but their might have been a raised and suprised set of eyes behind it, as if she was suprised at how much they sounds similar. There could have been no intent on insulting, but just a statement of curious surprise.

I believe what cemented this situation is Mr. Dean responding as he did, in saying " we hoped it was a coincidence" My how we musicians can get uppity over our musical children.

Once again I understand your feelings, and by the way i am a fan of your work. Sometimes we have to just no allow things like this to bug us. If i ever let something like this get to me, (and trust me i have many times) I love it when someone reminds me that it is just a forum board, and to be the peacemaker!

I listened and could see the similarities, but really as was pointed out by you and them, there are going to be over laps where we work from a finite set of tools. Man i can spot the fingerpick RTs a mile away.

A respectful word in the other direction, Josie, and Bob, even though you say you did not mean it as taken, it easily could be taken that way, that is as an insult. Just a thought, but what would it hurt to apolgize to the gentleman, and offer the olive branch?

Life folks, is to short to live with "knickers in a twist!" (see another post)

Good day to you all!

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.