To me, frustration in some area and sometimes multiple frustration in several areas is all a part of the creative process. I don’t think I’ve ever not experienced it. Struggling with my limitations just goes with the territory for me. Once I push pass it the result is a good feeling that makes the frustration worthwhile. But there are times when I have to accept that some element is as good as it gets and move on.

Perfection is a worthy goal but I can’t let it become so harsh a master that it hinders more than spurs me on to be better. I’ve had happy surprises from mistakes that took me in a different direction - serendipity.

What helps me is knowing that I will find that vibe that moves me enough that I can accept the inevitable flaw. And also knowing if I’m not moved enough then I will push and retry until I get to that vibe or scrap it and go on to something else.

I've also learned to find the humor in my striving which lightens the load at rough times.

The fun for me as a songwriter is going where the creative ride takes me in spite of my limitations. I think everybody has limitations to varying degrees.

BTW, that part about your wife made me laugh. Give yourself some slack. You’ll nail it.
