A RealBand RealBug?

We’ll only know if this happens to anyone else.

The Story – I have loaded 2012. I had this happen in RB 2011.5, and I thought I’d see if the same thing would happen in 2012. It did using the same file.

I had completed an SGU file in BIAB with every track a RealTrack and marked frozen. I closed out BIAB, opened RB and used the "open" in File menu to imported my SGU file into RB.

As usual the first 8 tracks were 7 empty midi and 1 empty Audio.
Tracks 9 to 15 were my frozen RT tracks all fine EXCEPT for the names of three of them which had appended J_SWING. What? The style sheet for the tune is CTRY BAL w/ped. Steel. The other 4 tracks had their correct names and RT numbers.

I don’t mind the lack of RT names but where did this J_SWING come from?

Am I the only one who has had this happen???? It has happened to me before once or twice.
Looking forward to reading your answers.


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