
Well bob maybe, maybe not, but it's still true.
so exactly how long do you have to be here before you can express an opinion?


Of course everybody gets to express his/her opinion as a forum member... there is no seniority system here. I think the point being made (and good communication seeks to answer the true intent of a post rather than a misinterpreted or spun version of it)... the point being made is that a very short view of a situation can lead to a distorted understanding of the big picture.

Have you ever taken a video of yourself and stopped it randomly on one frame? Chances are that the one transitional frame is not flattering... eyes may be halfway between blinks or mouth may be contorted forming a word...

The same is true in forum discussion. A long history of someone's helpfulness and goodwill makes it easier to identify when the outward appearance of one awkward thread is not consistent with who you know that person to be.

Without that history, a kneejerk response is much more likely, and IMO, we're seeing some of that here.

I think the negative reactions of those who are seeing only what's being said at the moment should be useful to the old timers who may have gotten used to taking liberties without being challenged.

But the response of the long term forum members is also useful because it speaks from a broader perspective.

How we respond to all of this depends on whether we want to fight or fit in. Everybody gets to make that call for himself.