
...The music goes nowhere on your computer – you might as well do something, even if it is wrong. Sending out thousands of CDs, unless solicited by the publisher etc is going to the trash-bin if you don’t have an invite to submit.
...I think there are other such companies as Taxi.com but one’s enough to manage and do it right – particularly as I don't live in a music Mecca like Nashville or LA. I’ve been submitted and been rejected by Taxi but most of the time I get good critiques and I can fix it and submit it again.
Yes there will be copyright issues – but then again you can get mugged on the street – probably less chance of getting a song stolen...
I think the risk of copyright infringe is worth the risk to crack the business. If you’re trying to breach the wall you can’t sit back and worry about it...
I’d also say to anyone asking “don’t wait until your song is perfect”. Good home recordings are acceptable and can be overdone. A lot of Film and TV stuff is pretty simple...

What Ian said.

just looking for clues...