Concerning the presets in the UX1: I know it is difficult to describe what you are doing in a software just with words....
Lets try it:
Once you have opened the Pod Farm software needed for the UX1, you have 6 preset alternatives around the Line6 logo (3 on the left and 3 on the right).
These presets are:
On the left side:
Gear view (you can read the description hovering the mouse over the preset)
Panel view,
Preset view
on the right side:
Mixer view (which you have found and use..)
Assignments view
Guitar tuner.

Now the preset view, as the name says, allows you to choose the "presets" (guitar, bass, vocals). The point that I was making is that in order to have the mic recording properly you have to choose a preset from the vocal presets. Otherwise, if you choose for exemple a guitar preset, it is not going to produce a good result...

Hope it makes the things clearer (but I am not sure!)