Yo Dude or Dudette which ever applies? It doesn't take rocket science to figure out
how to use the ACW or what it does. My point is, what it does, it doesn't do well.
If you took the time to follow the initial or original thread, this topic was being
revisited. A few responses to this post seemingly understand the dilemma of this and
related software programs that attempt to do it...convert audio into some form of
useful midi data. Melodyne and Amazing Midi (previously mentioned) are programs that
do that, not well, but just the same, the technology is still not there yet.

My reason for responding to your post and similar response to yours is to set the
record straight regarding, under developed apps within BIAB. Random chord generation
from audio is what it's doing, based on algorithms that *try* to interpret frequencies
producing a representation (midi wise)of the audio file. Read what pgmusic claims what
it can do and what it really does! The ACW is nothing more than a glorified random chord
generator based on the current technology in that area. I was merely interested in
successful attempts that users found with this program, at this point, in it's current
state of development.

I mean really, chord layout or the ability to indicate how many measures were in the
audio file, yikes! What did we do before computers??? I used my fingers and toes, a
pencil and paper, and my ears to learn tunes and often times I still do.

FWIW! Maybe the squeaky wheel will eventually get the oil, someday?