Bob, Richard,

Here’s the thing. I previously indicated the misconception of what the ACW did and what it’s intended to do, which Bob so eloquently explained. My response only reflected the usefulness I found in trying to interpret a simple song I had experimented with. The results were not even close to what I know the song to be. The ACW, to me, is as useful as the “Song Title" generator. I mean come on. An app that names your original compositions? Or an app that auto generates chord progressions for you, in addition to one having to find a style that closely resembles the audio file you were trying to replicate. Geez. So what I'm hearing there's a need or use some find with this, great! I guess it's good for those that need
these kinds of things, but for me, I would have preferred to have an upgrade to the notation aspect of BIAB
or the resizing of the style windows, less gui clutter, etc. And please, this was mentioned in the "Wish List" forum, but as Peter G. indicated, there are certain things that would require a total rewrite of the program and would not be cost effective and too time consuming. Trust me, I've seen the ACW video and have produced results (none useful to me) that, well suffice it say, I could've used something else as an app or add on function than the ACW, but that's just me....

I guess this is where things are, in terms of, pushing buttons, looping and using cut & paste functions in creating music. Whatever happened to learning an instrument and writing songs the old fashion way? When’s the last time a Grammy was awarded to someone who used this new technology to make that #1 hit song?

I guess it’s only a matter of time, but the thing I find mostly is underdeveloped functions to sell and make money verses upgrading functions the program was initially created for…midi. Granted, audio is the “now” thing, but I guess I’m one of those that still feel midi is and will always be relevant in the process. IMO, and don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of advancements in the area of computer generated music, it’s just frustrating trying to get the idea out and not getting side tracked with all the phoo- phoo-la, that takes away from the initial purpose of using the technology to make music. Learning curves for some are huge when it comes to time spent just learning how to use software products, let alone remembering why you brought them in 1st place.

As wordy or verbose as this might be, it's an attempt to *DISCUSS* various aspects of BIAB and get feedback from those that can share their experiences and insights, without slandering, attacking or disrespecting one another. That's all.
