
I too wish that BBW had additional notation features. Howerver, I never really expected BBW to provide that (not saying I wouldn't like it). I use SONAR (both version 5 and X1 producer) for my DAW (went through several other vendors over the years), and while SONAR does have some decent notation features, BBW does some things SONAR doesn't. Sometimes it helps, sometimes one has to export into another product to refine it. I do use Finale for my final notation products and more recently have started exploring Notion 3 (it's not quite there yet). I don't expect BBW to do what SONAR does. And I don't expect SONAR to do what Finale or Notion 3 does. And the other way around.

For me, BBW gives me a great place and canvas to start, explore several avenues, styles, genres, etc., and do so quickly and easily. It's a great product and I am amazed at what PG Music has accomplished and how they continue to innovate (I've used it since version 2004). I just don't expect it to do it all.

I look at ACW and other similar products that I have purchased as a "rough idea", a "good staring point". A good analogy in the software development world is an automatic code generator, marketed by some vendors. They may come close. Good for prototypes but not the final product.


Last edited by rich in ca; 07/15/12 07:49 AM.