

That said, I still submit that a 44% difference in pay and benefits is egregious. Actually, it's closer to 50%, or twice that of the private sector.

Are you possiblty just jealous that you are not among them and thus just speak angrily out of envy for someone else's success?

How many poor people put down athletes and begrudge them the large salaries? Well, there are 30 teams in the NBA. Each of those 30 teams has ONE starting center. That means that there are only 30 of that job available for competition. 30 men in the entire male work force are qualified for those jobs. Is that not a specialized position? 30 out of how many million in the work force?

So use that analogy. How many doctors are there? How many lawyers? How many Supreme Court Justices? How many factory workers, gas pumpers and convenience store clerks? Does normal logic not say that 1 of those 30 people who qualify to start at center in the NBA make more money than the kid who sells you the slurpy at 7-11?

Don't be jealous because you are a "have not". Work harder and become a "have". Or grow taller.....

No, Eddie, I'm not at all jealous. I believe that a person should make as much money as he/she can in a competitive workforce. Public sector jobs are not a competitive workforce.

And I can't grow taller. I'm shrinking daily.

