32 bits PCs are no longer for sale since quite a bit time. Using 64 bits hardware in music production software is important (among other reasons) because it allows using more than 3 mb of RAM, wich is a definitive reason for a lot of people involved in the computer music production area. Aditionally, modern VST and VSTi are real RAM and CPU eaters, and having an up to date hardware / software system is a need for most computer music producers.

Because of that, the 64 bits user base is growing everyday, while demand for 32 bits music software is decreasing day after day. And while every major music software company are still offering 64 and 32 (legacy) bits versions of their products, I predict that, sooner or later, they will stop developpong and supporting the legacy versions, simply because lack of demand for them.

BIAB 2024, latest build.