I am just about to it one and use it for my system drive. I chose a Samsung 830 256gig. It comes in three flavours, basic, laptop and desktop kits. Its arrived and there is an aluminium housing and there are a couple of cables too.
What I plan to do is fit it, alter the bios disk priority to the dvd drive, install windows on the SSD alter the priority again so as Windows Loads from the SSD, then format the old drive (which had a virus) and leave it in stitu. Once I have everything nice and dandy on the new operating system, imasge the new system drive onto the old drive. Incidently the samsung has a good reputation for reliability and is reasonably quick. It comes with Norton Ghost freebie, but I have been advised several sources NOT to use it and use Acronis - its free too and apparently much easier to use.

Its going to take weeks to get my system back up and running - so if you follow me I advise imaging when your system is pure. System restore got wiped by my virus.

Win 11 64, Asus Rog Strix z390 mobo, 64 gig RAM, 8700k