
One of my perfessers wrote a book on hand calisthenics. He stressed the safety factor: NEVER NEVER use any kind of warmup or stretching that involves using one hand to stretch the other, or any kind of mechanical stretching device.

Here is a favorite:

Stand up

Make a fist, loosely.

Bend at the elbow so that your fist is just over your shoulder, knuckles down, back of hand up.

Relax your hand, keeping the fist

Throw your hand forward as though you were throwing it at a target. Keep the hand muscles loose - let the arm muscles do the throwing. If your hand is relaxed enough the fingers will extend themselves all the way out.

Repeat 5-10 times each side.

AND MIND THE SAFETY notice above. Robert Shumann did not follow it. He used a kind of stretching machine and ruined his hands. Ended his concert career.

Was that prof perhaps your Martial Arts instructor?

Sorry, but that sounds more like a beginner's kata...
