Hi Dennis,

Your pickup setup is designed to take advantage of a true Full Range sound system such as a good PA affords.

Using the 40xl is going to be somewhat of a compromise for the purpose, but there are some things you can do.

EQ -- Try setting the Bass to 1 o'clock, the Mid to about 9 o'clock and the Treble to 1 o'clock or higher. Boosted Lows, Cut Mids and Boosted Highs can help emulate a full range system.

There is only so much you can expect because of the situation, the amp attempts to model several different electric guitar amp types, which are not full range amps at all, to put it mildly. The Electric Guitar amplifier and speaker system typically does not cover the full 20Hz to 20KHz audio range. And if it did, it would sound nasty with the Electric Guitars. The Black Panel sim is likely going to be your best bet here, try the EQ settings given here, don't be afraid to tweak them and just know that you cannot get the nice full sound of your Baggs setup -- just try for the best the amp can do under the circumstances, and never let your audience know, for they likely won't hear it.
