Thank you all for your nice comments.
@Noel and Floyd: I think it's not important to understand all the words. But here are the "lyrics":
"Looking up, looking down
illusions all around.
Artificial voices
Supernatural sound
I'm flying to the sky
I'm soaring way up high"
@Peter: In Vocaloid there is an English Dictionary with a phonetic transcription which you can customize.
For example: I wanted "natural" to be pronounced as 2 syllables. So I made up the words
"natch" n@tS and "ral" r{l.
So amen could start with eI or Q@.
In Sinsy you must experiment with the writing of words. I could try it with "armen".
@Dani: Don't bother. We won't experience that.
@Pat: Yes, I'm a hobbyist. I started learning the piano at the age of ten, with sixteen the bass and later drums and saxophone.
For twenty years I played in a band (mostly in American officers' clubs), and for another twenty years I ran a sound studio.
But that was all hobby beside my actual job of being a teacher.
(Although one of my subjects was Music for about twenty years).
Now I am retired and only want to be creative. That's why I experiment a lot. I just love the process of creating.
And it's great fun to find out that some people like my stuff.
