I think that the pixelation has to do with the codec, and perhaps frame rate aliasing issues. Keep in mind that the whole point of video compression is to reduce file size. This is accomplished by leaving as many pixels the same from frame to frame as possible; at least that's one of the methodologies. Codecs also 'group' like formatted pixels. You don't notice it when there isn't a bunch of change of color because the visual system is trained to see change (that's how it's so relatively easy to see satellites on a clear night). With the color chase, you are making the codec do what it doesn't want to. It's trying to group and keep things static, but you interrupt that with color changes that aren't necessarily part of the compression's expectation.

Try changing the codec - but your comment that the chase is kind of cheesy is right on.

I would work in some live footage as well with audience participation as part of the shots.

Last edited by rockstar_not; 09/10/13 12:59 PM.