Originally Posted By: aleck rand

It never ceases to amaze that something so profound could have been written that long ago. It deals with epistemology and cognitive closure.

"That long ago," - is just a flash in the pan compared to the when and where of the definition.

Aristotle wrote of the epitemology, matter of fact he coined the term, "self-evident truth" to describe the method of reduction that can only go back as far as a self evident truth and no further. He also showed that this was the only way to proof a certain statement or idea and that if it did not reduce to the self evident truth, the statement was very likely to be false.

These things were taught to high school students at one time, the songwriters of the 30s were very familiar with such concepts. Today, one has to be a Philosophy major at university to even hear of them, much less study same, and the Philosophy department's viewpoint has become rather myopic IMO as well.

Nice tune, I agree.
