Today's entry in Mac's "Music for Don" adventure takes a turn towards use of an instrument that most identify as being part and parcel of one genre, but here we find that instrument being used and played by a different culture and for different reasons.

There is an African American Pentacostal Church in Toledo Ohio where the main instrument of worship is not one of the traditional instruments such as pianos, hammond organs, etc.

They have always used the dramatic sound of the Steel Guitar instead.

Along the way, this has created literally several or more generations of steel guitar players of gospel musics, each staying true to their own generational styles, yet able to celebrate that diversity by playing together.

Robert Randolph is likely the premier example to head out into the world with success, but there are many other steel guitar players from this one church that are able and capable of turning in Strong Performance.

This particular video highlights one such typical Strong Performance of "The Slide Brothers" playing an outdoor event.

Note that one of the Slide Brothers is a Slide SISTER.
