Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn

scientists must work within the constraints placed upon them. so if you live in a culture that believes some women are witches and must be burned at the stake you'd be well advised not to push too hard on the status quo. smile

And in one fell stroke you attempt to throw Sir Francis Bacon's historic and revolutionary treatise describing the scientific method out the window?

Your given example is illogical.

also, not to pick nits but the source you cited is heavily biased toward judeo-christian religious views.

And the other side's sources cited are not biased?

huffington post?


as already shown in the Einstein quotes, these sources are great for supporting one's opinion but not so great for getting to the truth of the matter!

I listed 12 other great scientists besides Einstein, what about them?

Doesn't matter.

Someone else once said, "I am the way, the truth and the life."
