
I completed the homework assignment you gave me in response to my 2 simple yes or no questions. As I’m sure you already know, there are lengthy refutations of the topics you mentioned.

Apologetics have always jumped through hoops and grasped at straws to try come up with something to justify their beliefs in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence. They are the only ones that actually believe their so called “proof” in each of the apologetic categories.

What it all boils down to is that the existence of God is a matter of faith and the truth about the nature of the Earth and the universe itself is a matter of science.

Since you’ve said you’re on a search for Truth I would think you’d look for spiritual truths in scripture and physical truths in actual science, … not the pseudoscience of apologetics.

As I’ve said repeatedly, a belief in evolution and old Earth doesn’t negate faith in a supreme being.