Originally Posted By: RobbMiller
If God used the set of tools we call evolution to create life and the universe, who are we to argue?

this is such a good point! if I were a religious person I'd latch onto evolution as part of the plan so fast! smile if you assume there indeed was a creator then why is it a stretch to also assume he used tools like evolution to craft his world? and, in fact, many religious people have accepted this real science along with their faith.

furthermore, this has been going on pretty much since the first humans invented myths and stories as to why the fireball travels across the sky each day (and every other natural phenomena.)

and the progression seems to always be about the same. initially someone makes up a story to explain the fireball and assert that their knowledge is divine and not to be questioned. and it provides comfort to the masses. later on someone comes up with a more accurate explanation for the fireball (fireball is found to truly be a fireball but the earth is not at the center of solar system or galaxy or universe!) and challenges the status quo, often at great risk to themselves!

over time, more and more people come to accept the new information. but even as they do the old guard resists and accuses them of abandoning the faith. even in my relatively short life I have seen this firsthand several times. and how many folks still believe the earth is flat or that the fireball actually revolves around it?

religions like to declare that they have THE TRUTH and they are very reluctant to accept new information because to do so exposes that they were wrong and that is not very good for business! so they reject science until it is so overwhelmingly proven as to truly be yesterday's news.

if I were to start a religion I would base it on science and reason and critical thinking and encourage the evaluation of new ideas. but, I guess it would not be a religion then! smile