"Song and dance category" is actually just a personal perception.

I've been using Audacity and LAME for a long time now, creating mp3 files using them is actually very easy to do.

There are times when the mp3 format is a must, a lot of web publishing sites won't do .wma format, most web streaming sites do only mp3 and only at 128kbps, then there's the iPod or other mp3 player crowd to contend with.

Since the use of the built in System codecs is a problem, which I perceive as the "song and dance" of the thing, and apparently rharv really does also from what he says in his post, use of Audacity to convert your wav files to mp3 format using the LAME encoder, which really does exceed the sound quality of the old Fraunhofer licensed encoder$ makes a lot of sense.

As an added plus, Audacity prompts the user every time an mp3 file is exported, to fill in a meta data window. I haven't found any way or program for embedding the meta data, such as song title, artist, album, date, even copyright, that is as easy to use as Audacity.

Should I publish a howto guide on use of Audacity and LAME for making mp3 files?
