Hi Bert,

When it comes to Sampletank, Larry Kehl is an expert in my opinion. Also, Mac knows more about midi in his little finger than I'll ever know.

After reading though above posts by Mac and Larry, my first plan of attack would be to ...

1. Uninstall Sampletank 2.5 from your laptop

2. Fully power down the lap and restart.

3. Re-install Sampletank 2.5 using default settings/directories. Don't change a thing.

4. Register Sampletank with IK Multimedia.

5. Reboot the computer (just to make sure memories are cleared and the proper drivers are loaded for running). This step is probably not necessary but it doesn't hurt.

5. Reinstall BIAB using the setup program on the USB drive. Choose the top option (keep Realtracks & Realdrums on the USB drive). We can always redirect the pointer to these later if you have them installed on your laptop.

6. The above installation of BIAB only installs the program on the computer. This is quite quick.

7. Once BIAB is installed, you will then be asked to install the Hi-Q sounds. This procedure is all part of the setup file on the USB drive.

When all the installing is done, give the system a test run and see if it works. The above (re)installing procedure should only take about 10 minutes.

Please let me know the outcome!


Audiophile BIAB 2024