The Soloist part and the Soloist generator are 2 very different functions. It is unfortunate that they have the same name.

Think of it historically. Many years ago, BiaB had 6 players: Bass, Piano, Drums, Guitar, Strings and Melody. The Melody part was to be written by you, the user. All the other parts were generated by BiaB based on chords and other info.

Then they decided to add a second melody track. This was called the Soloist. Like the melody, it was meant to be written by the user.

Then, years later, they added a new function that would actually create a solo automatically based on chords and other info. This was a great addition. They gave it the same name as the Soloist part, which is confusing. The 'new' soloist generator is what you get when you click the yellow button with the "S" on it.

Last edited by flatfoot; 12/18/13 09:42 PM.

Flatfoot sez: Call me when 'Talent-in-a-Box' is ready to ship! -- [8{>

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