Studio as college sophomore son visiting bedroom:

Murphy Bed (Most important piece of 'gear' in the whole room - let's me use the room as a 'studio' some of the year.

Panorama shot of the whole room:

Detail of the back side of GOBO in place to make a half-baked iso booth with the open closet door:

Detail of the business side of the GOBO showing the fluffy clothes pillows and blankets in the closet and the DIY music holder I made hanging over the GOBO:

Back side of the anti-flutter wall hanging I made from 1"x2" material and a throw-rug bought from IKEA (another copy of the rug is on the back side of the GOBO:

Not much to the actual music gear, because to me, the most important features of my 'studio' are the acoustic treatments that I use.

Last edited by rockstar_not; 01/18/14 08:37 PM.