
If you like the sound you are getting then stay with it. There are some who don't want a totally "dead" space if the room you are recording in is a naturally "good" sounding space. Some people record vocals in the bathroom for the natural reverb. Some even use two mics - one for the singer and one several feet away for the "ambience". I was just reading last night where vocals were recorded in a stairwell to get that sound on the record. It's all a matter of preference.

Fabric or rugs on the floor and walls or soft furnishings or acoustic treatment all change the sound. This really hit home for me as I just rearranged my room leaving one short wall in this long narrow space with no softness. It sounded totally different. I had to take my homemade rollaway vocal booth - two tall plastic garment racks on wheels with big old fluffy comforters thrown over them - and roll one of them in front of that wall to enjoy listening to music in here again.
