I'm in the spare room. Sorry about the grainy pics.

Please note my high-tech, hot-pad modifications to those KRK Monitors to limit the low frequencies. Oh, and that 3M Painter's Tape 'keep-the-binding-on' repair to my Martin DM flat-top. Great sound from a low end Martin btw, even with the tape.

The laptop with extra monitor is the DAW.

I've been putting that condenser mic in the closet and recording vocals that way - seems to work ok. Sometimes I move to the hall door and look across into the next room if I feel I need to 'sing big'. I run the vocal mic through that Behringer Eurorack mixer w/phantom power, and from it to the audio interface.

For guitar parts, if I'll even play any now, I sometimes plug direct into the M-Audio Fast Track Pro and use Sonar plug-ins to shape the sound. But, that's an older Peavey Bandit (not working), and an Ibanez TSA-15H guitar amp.

Btw, I just picked up and dusted two days ago. It was a disaster.