Originally Posted By: Mac
Originally Posted By: 90 dB
“Aw c'mon, they never used that mic onstage in live performance, did they.”

Of course not. It's a studio condenser, not a live mic. Splitting hairs now? grin

Don't see how it is "splitting hairs" when my point is still the same, that the concept that these young lads selected ALL of the equipments used to both record them and for them to use in live performance is not exactly the way things like that work in the real world.

Look, in that era the singers did not have much say in the type of microphone or brand of microphone that would be used to record them. That task invariably fell to the Recording Engineers for Tracking Sessions or perhaps in a few cases, the choice of the "hands on" Producer. Not very likely that any of those stodgy engineers would have accepted any demand to use a certain mic from what they certainly viewed as four young teenagers.


“And, it likely belonged to the recording company or studio owner, pulled from the mic locker.”

Probably. Your point?

“The point is that there was plenty of marketing involved, as there is with any endeavor of that size and scope.”

See the above answer.

The teenagers would not have been in a position to CHOOSE or use that Telefunken mic.


“You keep talking about Vox amps being built stateside as if it did not help the British company's sales when thousands of young white kids......”

That statement speaks for itself.

That statement speaks of the reality that is US history.

I heartily recommend you to find and read Frank Zappa's essay on the subject of the recording companies, rock and roll music, record distribution, and most importantly perhaps, the effects of the inherent racism of the United States and its impact on same. I can't find it readily online somewhere, but will keep looking for it in an effort to help the better understanding of the truth and the reality.

The 60s were not all that they were cracked up to be. Unfortunately.


I find your reference to "white kids" inherently racist, and your blame shifting inherently disingenuous.