“Again, all I have done is point out a fact concerning record sales in the United States during the 60's.”

Actually, no – you didn't. You made a overtly racist remark, then in a cowardly manner impugned my character to deflect your own bigotry.

“You would do yourself some good by researching total record sales comparing Chubby Checker's Twist dance records as versus The Beatles' one Twist offering...”

I knew Chubby Checker. He used to work plucking chickens down in Camden before he got a record out. Used to shoot craps with him, as well as several of the Motown folks. Funny, none of them thought I was a racist.

“ Guys like 90dB...” who are absolutely fascinated by the ancient news concerning that George Harrison lawsuit and the judgement concerning same surely must realize the race of the winning party”

Yet another accusation. “Guys like” me? You don't know me at all, but then, that is the core of racism, isn't it? Hating people you don't even know because of their skin color?