I am still using BB 2008.5 , has the bad voice leading for automatic accompaniments,been fixed in the new version? If not,I think this limitation should be addressed with the next release of BB.

Some other guy who,like me,knows his music theory,surely has noticed that BB connects most chords in an haphazard way,with really bad voice leading. The upper part is immediately noticeable because often it jumps about (for example ,if you enter a progression,on some chords the upper part (or the upper parts) in the chords,will jump up or down a third (minor or major) ,or even a fourth! That sounds VERY bad,BB should connect the voices by the shortest way: a voice either stays on the same note,or, if it has to move,it NEVER moves more than a half-step or a whole-step.

If that rule is broken in a inner part,it's less noticeable,but on the top part,it is very noticeable and sounds bad: it makes the chord sound disconnected from the others. At least the top part should ALWAYS go the shortest way,unless the composer is composing a melody,for which he might want to add a few leaps in that voice. These are basic rules of harmony that are many centuries old,but that are as good as ever!

With the bass in BB, the problem is easily fixable if you just use slash chords,as I do,because in that way you can design the bass line,so you can make it do what you want. But except for the bass,the chord connection in BB,especially in the top part,is not a problem that one can get around,unless he records a new top voice as if it were recording a melody.

Hopefully PG Music will program BB , (a great program that I use more than all others),to connect all the voices of the chords by having BB not moving the common tones ,or if the voices have to move because there's no other way,by never moving them more than one or an half step up or down.