Most countries who have socialized medicine don't have the illegal immigrant population we have. It can't be proven because those people don't like to be counted in a census but it makes intuitive sense that this is true. You allow in millions from third world countries with basically no health care and it's going to skew the stats as far as life expectancy and infant mortality is concerned. There's been a spike in TB and other diseases that were not a problem 30 years ago. It makes sense to me that this is due to too many third world types making their way here without going through the medical checks they were doing on Ellis Island in 1915. Others will say it's due to a failure in our health care system. I don't think so. Just like big city schools, our health care system is simply overwhelmed by illegals. Again, can't prove it but I strongly believe it's a big factor.
Also the idea that if you can't pay, you don't get health care here is a myth. By law any ER in the country has to take care of you and if you're a poor person with no assets, you will never pay for anything, it's totally free. The problem lies with so many lower income people who are working, do have some things but no insurance. They can get care in the ER too but they will go after them for the bill and it throws some of those people into bankruptcy. Still, nobody has to die in the street, everybody will get care if they need it. I totally agree that it's not right that a person can own their house, happen to lose their job and their insurance and at the same time have a major medical problem and wind up either in bankruptcy or losing their house. Somehow this needs to be addressed but it's a hugely complex issue.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.