
<...snip...>Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney. Man you must really hate these guys.

My best to you,

As a matter of fact, I think they were the worst US leaders of my lifetime, perhaps of US history. Do I hate them? No. Do I think they are criminals? Yes.

Hate is non-productive, and it interferes with logical thinking so I try to avoid that emotion (not always successfully, but I'm only human).

Now if my daughter gets assigned to Iraq and doesn't come home in one piece, then I will hate them.

Personally, I believe they lied about the WMDs to convince us to invade Iraq for the profitable benefits to the oil companies, defense contractors, their own personal fortunes, and the Federal Reserve Bank, at the expense of the taxpayers.

After all, WMDs are only good as a deterrent. If Saddam had WMDs and we came rattling our sabers at his door, he would have said, "Hit me and I'll nuke you" as North Korea is doing. At the point where we were threatening invasion, he would have had nothing to lose by using them as a deterrent. So any fool at that point should have known there were no WMDs. And since Bush and Cheney were at the helm, and pushing very hard to convince congress to authorize the invasion, they bear the responsibility.

The resulting deaths of over 100,000 people, including over 4,000 of America's Finest servicemen and servicewoman is in my opinion, a travesty. Add to that the number of war injured who will never be able to live a normal life and it gets worse. Anyone who can murder that many people deserve a fair trial and just punishment if found guilty, even if they are our elected officials. As of today, about 100,000 documented civilian deaths have resulted by our unprovoked invasion of the sovereign country of Iraq. That makes us the terrorists and Bush and Cheney the leaders of the biggest terrorist organization of the 21st century.

I would feel the same way if they were Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, or members of the Whig party.

I still hear people (mostly Republicans) constantly complain about Clinton and Gore, too. I wasn't too wild about that team, I didn't vote for them, but at least we had a balanced budget.

I have no allegiance to either political party, I'm registered as an independent.

I am a patriot, and when I see my country's leaders doing the wrong thing, I feel it is my patriotic duty to point that out and voice my opinion.

I know the entire thing is very complicated, and we are not all privy to all the information, and I do respect the fact that we are all caring about the subject, even if we have formed different opinions about the problems that face us and their solutions.

That is why respectable dialog that doesn't resort to personal attacks is a good thing.

Perhaps someone can clear up my confusion as to why abortion is more heinous than an unprovoked war killing 100,000 Iraqi civilian adults, killing over 4,000 US servicemen and women, and causing over 45,000 US people to be brought home for injuries so great that the could no longer serve (According to DOD, a total of 45,583 individuals were medically evacuated from OIF [Operation Iraq Freedom] from March 19, 2003, to February 28, 2009)

... and also why it is more heinous than a fertility clinic discarding "extra" embryos, it just doesn't make sense to me.

And if these two examples are more heinous than abortions, why aren't they being picketed?

"Confusedly", Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
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