
1. Congrats - simply wonderful news.
2. Cyber collaboration is pretty easy these days. But don't use .mp3 files if you can avoid it. Use a non compressed .wav file if there's a chance your track(s) will be used on any of the final studio mixdowns.

You can cut .wav files down to roughly half size using lossless compression like FLAC or Monkey's Audio.

I prefer Monkey's Audio, but it does require that your recipient also have the program to decompress your files.

I am fairly certain that's what I used to collaborate with Ray Thigpen many years ago before his passing. I sent him monkey's audio guitar tracks that I had played to his scratch backing track that he had sent to me in monkey's audio format.

However these days, with fairly free cloud storage and fast internet, you can also simply just use .wav and eliminate the hassle of compressing/decompressing on both ends. Send me a PM if you need some help. I do this all the time with collaborators around the globe.