whoohoo! Tom and Janice are number one on the Jazz Vocal chart at SoundClick!!


Originally Posted By: boehm
Hi Janice and Tommy,

Blues at its best. What else can I say?
Greg has put it straight.


Thanks Guenter! Tom's guitar is fun to sing with for sure.


Originally Posted By: floyd jane


Not a single thing out of place. Beautiful lyrical guitar. A vocal that then TOPS it. A solid write. Excellent production. Excellent mix. Like the last one, this sounds like a well-oiled band captured at their best in the best of studios.

It doesn't get much better than this.



Wow floyd! I soooo appreciate you saying that. Very, very kind of you.


Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hi Tom & Janice ...

Now, was that fabulous or what? We echo everything said by all the previous reviewers. Perfect voice and guitar for the style and the song is so well written. Dare we say "Musical masterpiece"? I think we'll take that dare ... "Musical Masterpiece"!

Super sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alan & Di

Thanks you two! This bluesy thing has come late to me....but it sure is fun.


Originally Posted By: George Ireton
Speechless! Thanks again for leading the way with such high standards. I have much to learn. Fortunately, I am now retired, and have the time now. Woot!

Thanks George! Bud and I are also retired -- isn't it fun?
