Nice work on that song. I like the song. Great job for the first one out of the box....

As I hear it: ( that means simply my opinion and not a flaming of your choices)

The song tends to be country/rock in it's genre. You play the sax well. I'm not a fan of the twin sax parts since they sound more latin than country. Personally, I would probably have looked for some guitar or piano fills on the verses. I think the solo sax would work well by itself where it did play.

Remember that in BB13 you have a number of "solo" tracks in Real Band that I think would also do great justice to this style.

On the chorus the instruments should fill the background a bit more. Step it up on the choruses. And where you have harmonies, use a little bit (not too much) of reverb to blend the voices a bit.

Just a few tips that will/may help you in the future.

Over all.... man this is a great first one.... welcome to the forum and hope to hear more from you in the future.

BTW: you can collaborate with others here if that is something you are interested in doing.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.