Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Floyd.

Very original idea and performed with all your usual polish.

I did find at first that occasionally it sounded like "Ear-ache, where'd you go?" and then I couldn't hear anything else, but that's my problem, not yours.

Everything sounded great on the speakers but, (and I know I've said this before) the stereo panning seemed a little harsh in the 'phones. Other than that, brilliant.

I'm with Alyn in that I'm a great fan of Python and remember that song too. It's not as catchy as yours.


ROG - you had me laughing with that one... I think it's "Ear-ache, whar'd ya go?"... When I mixed this I had been listening to a song - can't remember what - a Garth song maybe? Or maybe something from Brandy Clark... where there were just a couple of guitars and simple percussion - and they were panned wider than I typically favor (I just finished suggesting that George pull a guitar in closer). So I tried it on this and it opened up the space for the vocal and harmonies to sit in (differently than most of what I do), so I went it that. I listened again, intently, in the phones, and I'm good with it as is. I do appreciate you input (always) - so please continue to do so...thanks!

Originally Posted By: nobilis
Floyd, +1 all the good stuff above. This was nice, laid back and entertaining. Everything rolled along nicely. Only at the very end was my mind brought back, wondering if everyone's yoga postures were 'going their way' smile. Thanks for sharing the story and tune.

Patrick - Thanks for the spin - and the nice comments. Appreciate it. About time for another from you, isn't it?

Originally Posted By: MarioD
Well you asked for comments so I will give you one!
If under the song title it says "by Floyd James" then I know that it is a winner!

This song has everything going for it, a great vocal with super lyrics, and the perfect backing tracks to match.

Mario - you are most kind. Always appreciate you stopping by...

Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
Floyd, more genius from you. Really nicely done, great melody, and easy to listen to, no matter what your favorite genre.

The harmonies worked very well to fill out the vocal, with a very sensibly chosen balance.

Thanks again for your contribution.

Whaddaya say!


Trevor - I do appreciate when you drop in for a listen. And thanks for that very nice review....