I am not sure if this is the right forum category to post such a question as this. Please feel free to move it or let me know.

I am very new to biab and am a guitar player. I also can use the keyboard (chords) but not performance level. I read where a midi sequencer can be a great tool for biab and entering melodies etc.

There are soooo many keyboards out there at so many price points, I am a bit overwhelmed. Now to the problem at hand.

There is a local furniture consignment store here that just happens to have a couple of 88 key M-Audio keyboards. A no frills one (Keystation 88 ES) and one with all the faders etc. They only want $40 each for them because there is no pedals, power supplies etc. I have seen the simple one (used) at the music store for $200.

So do you think I should take a risk and get those, in the hope of finding the pedals and power supplies? Will they work (drivers) with my Windows PC? Thinking about re-selling the simple keyboard just to cover the cost of buying both, thereby getting a free one! Always good.

What think ye?

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