
Hey Mike, I'm praying for ya, I know how that situation feels. Hang in there.


Just post to win a prize without giving a flip. We could all do that but I don't think most do. Most want to be heard imo.

Me-Judging? Na. Everybody I know has too many problems - me included. I post on most of the forums here so most of the guys have known me a long time and know me better than that. But they do like to tease me and that's quite alright because most of them have helped me more than once and I wouldn't trade a one of 'em. smile

LIke I said, nobody expects anyone to listen and comment on every song.

Clique - I don't think so but that can be the perception when fewer people participate - I'm advocating more participation.

FJ is Floyd Jane.

BTW, Thanks for bringing up Walk A Mile In My Shoes, Bob and I have a great cover of that on iTunes and Amazon or stream it on Spotify and iTunes Radio. (Sorry, but I couldn't resist the natural seg there for some shameless self promotion. grin )
