Herb, this is a real departure from the "country-with-vocals" you do so well... but I like it!
It shows a sketch of you that hasn't been on this paper before.. at least, as far as I can recall.

But then, at my age, "as far as I can recall" doesn't cover very much territory... wink

Interesting use of the pedal steel in an otherwise smooth jazz song... but to me, it totally works. This song is very relaxing... it reminds me of the old TV show "Adventures in Paradise" but I don't really know why... maybe because I always thought the music in that show was relaxing. Or maybe I associate the Pedal Steel with more of a Hawaiian guitar sound in this application.

I especially liked the guitar harmonies. Knowing you, it was all played, not created with harmonizing software. Not sure I recognize a definable melody, but you seem to have made a point of making recurring passages to keep the guitar from being more decorative than melodic. But my inability to discern a melody may well be that I am mesmerized by the composition, and it makes me too lazy to listen analytically. wink

You also did something in this song that I have thought about doing... the parts you played echo and complement the real tracks in many places... upshot being that your additions have the effect of minimizing the randomness, making all fit together in a more planned way.

I have trouble making jazz chords flow well... but your chord pattern in this work flows like water over a waterfall.
The wet guitar tone is also well-suited to the mood of the song. There was one place where the combination of tone, harmony and phrasing made me think "Hotel California" (around the 2:14 marker... anybody else get that feeling?)

Also noticed how you brought instruments in and out of the mix... especially given the eclectic quality of the song, that kept it fresh the whole time.

smooth listening! I'd buy a whole CD of music like this... it puts my mood right where I like it to be