Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
the more I listen to this song, the more impressed I am Floyd. You have been nailing the song writing thang for the whole time you've been on this forum.. even longer... you were good before you came here... but THIS song really shows an incredible mastery of the software too!

You intuitively know what the song needs to have, and where it needs to reside.. and now you also have the technical ability to figure out how to make things happen that are way over and above what the software does automatically!

I think of all the nay-sayers who act as though using BIAB is a cop-out.. as though you press a button and a masterpiece emerges the first time. What you are doing here is high creativity in a bunch of different directions at the same time!

You wear all the hats, and you wear them well. The industry savvy to understand what elements need to exist, and how the whole project needs to develop cohesively in order to achieve the desired effect... all that is only PART of what sets you apart from the rest of us.

Pat - I know I quoted you before... but, hey... you say such nice things!....

Originally Posted By: R & AM
Hi Floyd,

A very catchy and energetic song.
This one stands like a rock!
Janice's backing vocals are first class.
And having had both a grandfather and a father who went fishing very often and a son who likes it too, I can surely relate to this....


Thanks, Anne-Marie!

Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
cool tune.... It rocks ....that's for sure.

Yep.... it's not about the fishing so much... just the disconnect from society it provides....I fish on occasion but more often I enjoy sitting in a tree with a bow or a gun and just enjoying the day..... no phone, no worries, and the only time clock is the sun going down...

Yep, great song....

Appreciate it, Herb...

Originally Posted By: gibson

I'm like Foghorn Leghorn here trying form a sensible sentence!

That song RAWKED,and as Josie wrote it makes me wanna go fishing and I NEVER got into that as a kid, too wet and miserable 'round here!

In my live playing days I would have given my soul to play in a band like that, on piano YEH!!!!!

That IS what I am talking about

"standing ovation"


Alyn - Boy...I say...I say..boy...boy... THANKS!

Originally Posted By: boehm
Hi Floyd,

I'm still out of breath from listening. I think just gotta go fishin'.
This is an earworm. Great performance. Regards to Janice.


Thanks, Guenter....