Keep at least one current external backup copy.
That's all the advice I have.

I keep a couple, but I also have 6 hard drives in this system and many more drives stacked up in a cabinet, both PG and otherwise.

Here is how it's done at rharv house;
RB/BB on C: drive
Active copy of the external drive on a 500 gig internal hard drive (E:) and I run the realtracks from there.
Incoming audio tracks are recorded to F: (an empty 500 gig drive) and later saved/moved to G: or E: depending on use.

And the drive from PGMusic sits all nice and shiny in it's case .. until I wanna work on the laptop. I also make sure to keep it up-to-date so there are multiple good copies here but only one in use at a time.

Older PGMusic drives have been put to service in other ways, as you intend. I don't use them for 'backups' due to their size, but I have saved programming projects to them and took them to work with me when it was bigger than my thumb drive could hold.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome