There's really no place that is "safe" anymore.... but some that do come close.

Small towns are among the better choices in that regard. We even know who some of our neighbors are.....imagine that concept for a minute.

I can walk around my neighborhood at night without feeling like I need to carry my weapons with me. I sometimes forget to lock the doors at night and if I do, hey, it's no big deal. The locks aren't there to keep me safe anyway.... they're there to keep the people outside safe. Between me and the dog.... yeah, you might not wanna "accidentally" wander into my house at night.....or in the daytime either.

But in all seriousness, the smaller towns are where you want to look. We don't have the drug and gang problems that are the basis of the high crime rates that you will find in the larger cities.

Affordable housing is available in the large country areas between the cities.... rent or buy....

My business is installing and servicing alarm/security systems of all kinds. Country homes are vulnerable to B&E due to the lack, in some cases, of neighbors close by. Dogs and burglar alarms are helpful. That tends to be the extent of crime in many areas that are not city.

NC is a concealed and open carry state so robbery and other major crime is curbed a bit by the laws that allow citizens to arm themselves and use firearms in defense of life and limb.

Winters tend to be milder than up north, but it can and does get cold and we get snow. Snow shuts this state down unlike up north where snow is just another event to deal with. 60 and 70 degree winter days are not uncommon. The closer you are to the mountains, the more likely you will see snow. Here in Eastern NC.....around Wilson County, we don't get enough snow to make me happy....I like snow. We've gone several winters in a row with none at all. The mere mention of snow in the forecast is often enough to shut the schools. Get an inch.... and you can count on one full day canceled and late openings for 3 days following.

In this little town, life is good.... we have maybe 500 people now..... and that's only because of a new subdivision that was built a few years ago. It was 200 for a really long time.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.